Hi, I’m Dorota

I am Light- Love and Sound frequency channel , I am also musician and vocalist. For many years I create with Universe and I shift frequency around Gaia holding Light Grid and crystal Grid frequency. I am a Voice Healer – Frequency channel – Sound- Light – Love Alchemist

My work with you  is all about helping you to become channel for higher frequency. You can start by helping yourself to heal and shift frequency of your aura, your systems within body memory . YOU ARE THE HEALER by healing Yourself first. When you are doing so Universe is bringing to you your family members and friends to give you feedback of your inner work.

You can learn and use many frequency tools and then  work with people, children, animals , nature , Gaia´s crystal grid and Divine Loving Universal Team of Light.

If you are already using energy tools to work with your clients or you are ready to do so please consider to know more about sound frequency that is coming with the light and vibration of colours to code and decode patterns within and around body . Information within sound can flow from high high levels beyond mind understanding and it can move energy very quickly because old patterns can be penetrated without mind resistance. 

When you put healing hands on somebody it is beautiful and supportive but imagine that you are also channeling coded words as sound energy and perhaps use your voice to be the channel for higher frequency, consciously co-creating with your client´s higher thought forms and higher emotional frequency . 

Channeling frequency by speaking coded words of love  you will know how sound of your words, breath, voice vibration is changing body memory and healing aura.

My work with you is about initiation to help you become connected to the heart of Gaia and Divine Mother and all that you are as Master that you channel. 

You can start your new profession – Voice Healer – Frequency coach –  from just deep desire to be of service to love . I will help you channel your new path and we will work together for humanity. I will teach you what I know and you will be able to use my sound recordings for your work with clients.

You do not need to sing or be a musician .

You can become  a voice healer just by speaking love frequency. 

We are going to created structure of new light grid together. In the future many will join this higher frequency but for now we are here to stand strong in the light and keep connecting points of love that we are . When we are doing this together your clients will receive frequency that will be shifting more and more of us. 

Join me

All with and within unconditional Love 

With blessings



During sessions :

Experience Sound of Dorota’s voice working in quantum space of your Being and create changes within cellular, mental, emotional systems. 

  • Learn Frequency – Information that comes from Divine Source .
  • Practice learning to feel to experience this highest frequency.
  • Become a strong channel for others after every session you join.
  • We are ONE and I am here to help you to be powerful Self .



LIGHT Sound Language






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